Kei Franklin《Just a Little Too Much 》預覽版
《Just A Little Too Much》預覽版
《Just A Little Too Much》是一次深入內省的探索,涉及特權、種族、包容、歸屬感和神秘的身份追求。我們的主角,作為一個前衛的白人女性,熱織地尋找真正屬於她的「家」。轉換在不同國家環境中成長,她一直享有的特權與她作為少數族裔的身份交織在一起,她渴望在尚未被發現的「人」中找到她的歸屬感。她將踏上一段詩意、內省和矛盾得像過山車般的旅程,在由身份政治塑造的世界中提出了引人深思和切入當下時代的問題。
在流白之間的邀請下,Theatre No Theatre將會呈獻戲劇作品《Just A Little Too Much》的亞洲首次預演。費用全免。名額有限,大家萬勿錯過。
導演: Thomas Richards
助理導演: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
創作表演者: Kei Franklin
Just a Little Too Much (in preview)
“Just a Little Too Much” is a profoundly introspective exploration on privilege, race, inclusion, belonging, and the enigmatic pursuit of identity. An edgy white woman – our protagonist – embarks on an ardent quest to find her true home. Raised in various settings where her privilege was intertwined with her being part of a minority, she yearns for a moment of belonging among an unfound "people." As we accompany this complex character, we're taken on a rollercoaster ride of poetry, introspection, and contradiction; a brilliant rampage that asks provocative and timely questions in a world shaped by identity politics. This powerful narrative examines a search for the understanding of one’s identity, while exposing the pitfalls of arriving at definitive answers. We accompany a unique character as she unravels and reconstructs herself with breathtaking speed, compelling us to confront our own inclination to categorize and alienate in our quest for self-definition.
Please join us after this preview performance for a dialogue between audience members and the creative team!
Directed by: Thomas Richards
Assistant Director: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
With and by: Kei Franklin
《Just A Little Too Much》是一次深入內省的探索,涉及特權、種族、包容、歸屬感和神秘的身份追求。我們的主角,作為一個前衛的白人女性,熱織地尋找真正屬於她的「家」。轉換在不同國家環境中成長,她一直享有的特權與她作為少數族裔的身份交織在一起,她渴望在尚未被發現的「人」中找到她的歸屬感。她將踏上一段詩意、內省和矛盾得像過山車般的旅程,在由身份政治塑造的世界中提出了引人深思和切入當下時代的問題。
在流白之間的邀請下,Theatre No Theatre將會呈獻戲劇作品《Just A Little Too Much》的亞洲首次預演。費用全免。名額有限,大家萬勿錯過。
導演: Thomas Richards
助理導演: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
創作表演者: Kei Franklin
Just a Little Too Much (in preview)
“Just a Little Too Much” is a profoundly introspective exploration on privilege, race, inclusion, belonging, and the enigmatic pursuit of identity. An edgy white woman – our protagonist – embarks on an ardent quest to find her true home. Raised in various settings where her privilege was intertwined with her being part of a minority, she yearns for a moment of belonging among an unfound "people." As we accompany this complex character, we're taken on a rollercoaster ride of poetry, introspection, and contradiction; a brilliant rampage that asks provocative and timely questions in a world shaped by identity politics. This powerful narrative examines a search for the understanding of one’s identity, while exposing the pitfalls of arriving at definitive answers. We accompany a unique character as she unravels and reconstructs herself with breathtaking speed, compelling us to confront our own inclination to categorize and alienate in our quest for self-definition.
Please join us after this preview performance for a dialogue between audience members and the creative team!
Directed by: Thomas Richards
Assistant Director: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
With and by: Kei Franklin
日期及時間: |
2024年4月26日(星期五) |
時間: |
20:00 – 21:30 (含演後談,including post-talk) |
門票: |
免費 Free |
演出地點: |
牛棚藝術村No.8單位(土瓜灣馬頭角道63號) Unit no.8 of Cattle Depot Artist Village (63 Ma Tau Kok Road, Ma Tau Kok, Kowloon) |
. 紀 錄 / 觀 眾 回 饋 .
'Such wonderful evening. Nice Ideas and the writing is good. Must not miss it next time.'
'So powerful and impressive.'
'So powerful and impressive.'