葛羅托斯基體系表演 訓練課程
導師:Stephen Wangh
「文明及文化的發展迫使我們去馴服身邊一切物事,包括動物、樹,以及我們自己。到最後我們發現自己遺失了一些東西,一些『野性難馴』的能量。」~葛羅托斯基, 1970
「流白之間」很榮幸邀請到葛羅托斯基於上世紀60年代剛為世人所知曉時的初代美國門生、紐約大學的榮休藝術教授、表演藝術重要著作《An Acrobat of the Heart》的作者、曾獲得2002年艾美獎(Emmy Award)提名的劇場導演及教育家Stephen Wangh來港主持7天的密集式訓練課程。
「流白之間」很榮幸邀請到葛羅托斯基於上世紀60年代剛為世人所知曉時的初代美國門生、紐約大學的榮休藝術教授、表演藝術重要著作《An Acrobat of the Heart》的作者、曾獲得2002年艾美獎(Emmy Award)提名的劇場導演及教育家Stephen Wangh來港主持7天的密集式訓練課程。
Stephen Wangh’s An Acrobat of the Heart: A Physical Approach toActing Inspired by the Work of Jerzy Grotowski
The development of our civilization and culture, has pushed us in the direction of taming everything… animals, trees… and ourselves… [and] we have lost something, something ‘untamed’. ~Jerzy Grotowski, 1970
We are honoured to have Stephen Wangh, who was among Grotowski’s first group of Western world student in 1960s when Grotowski was first discovered by the world, to conduct a 7-day intensive acting training course in Hong Kong. Stephen Wangh is now Arts Professor Emeritus of New York University, author of the book ‘An Acrobat of the Heart’ and ws the Associate Writer for The Laramie Project (Emmy nomination 2002).
The development of our civilization and culture, has pushed us in the direction of taming everything… animals, trees… and ourselves… [and] we have lost something, something ‘untamed’. ~Jerzy Grotowski, 1970
We are honoured to have Stephen Wangh, who was among Grotowski’s first group of Western world student in 1960s when Grotowski was first discovered by the world, to conduct a 7-day intensive acting training course in Hong Kong. Stephen Wangh is now Arts Professor Emeritus of New York University, author of the book ‘An Acrobat of the Heart’ and ws the Associate Writer for The Laramie Project (Emmy nomination 2002).
日期及時間: Date and Time: |
2017年3月27-31日 19:00-23:00 2017年4月1-2日 14:00-18:00,19:00-23:00 (共36小時) 27-31 March 2017 – 19:00-23:00 1-2 April 2017 – 14:00-18:00, 19:00-23:00 (total 36 hours) |
授課語言: Language: |
英文 ( 但導師希望大家在於課堂間的討論及分享中可以使用自己最舒服最熟悉的語言,例如廣東話等,以更流暢及準確地表達自己 ) English ( However Stephen would like us to use our mother-tongue for our in-class sharing and discussion for precise communication ) |
地點: Venue: |
流白之間 Blank Space Studio |
名額: Place: |
18人 18 persons |
費用: Enrolment fee: |
$4500 |
Stephen Wangh 於1967年跟隨波蘭劇場導演Jerzy Grotowski學習表演。他教導形體表演達40年,其著作'An Acrobat of the Heart, a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski'亦廣為世界各地的表演老師所使用。他於紐約大學教授20年直至得到榮休教授的名譽職位。他亦有於世界各地帶領表演工作坊的經驗,例如新加圾、泰國、哥倫比亞等。
他的另一本著作The Heart of Teaching: Empowering Students in the Performing Arts亦闡述了他在戲劇與教學之間的研究,他於近期一直致力游走於美國、亞洲及中東為當地各種範疇的教師提供教學工作坊。
他同時也是一個劇場導演及編劇。他編寫了15套劇作,也是2002年艾美獎提名電影《同志死亡事件》(The Laramie Project)的聯合編劇,也藉著作品The People’s Temple獲得Will Glickman Playwright Award。
Stephen Wangh 於1967年跟隨波蘭劇場導演Jerzy Grotowski學習表演。他教導形體表演達40年,其著作'An Acrobat of the Heart, a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski'亦廣為世界各地的表演老師所使用。他於紐約大學教授20年直至得到榮休教授的名譽職位。他亦有於世界各地帶領表演工作坊的經驗,例如新加圾、泰國、哥倫比亞等。
他的另一本著作The Heart of Teaching: Empowering Students in the Performing Arts亦闡述了他在戲劇與教學之間的研究,他於近期一直致力游走於美國、亞洲及中東為當地各種範疇的教師提供教學工作坊。
他同時也是一個劇場導演及編劇。他編寫了15套劇作,也是2002年艾美獎提名電影《同志死亡事件》(The Laramie Project)的聯合編劇,也藉著作品The People’s Temple獲得Will Glickman Playwright Award。
Facilitator info:
Stephen Wangh is Arts Professor Emeritus at New York University. He is the author of An Acrobat of the Heart, a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski (Vintage, 2000), and of The Heart of Teaching: empowering students in the performing arts (Routledge, 2012). After studying with Polish director Jerzy Grotowski, Stephen taught physical acting at New York University for twenty years. He has directed plays in New York, in Boston, Massachusetts, at Princeton and Naropa Universities and in Graz, Austria. Stephen is the author of 15 plays, and was one of the writers of The Laramie Project (Emmy Nomination, 2002).
Stephen Wangh is Arts Professor Emeritus at New York University. He is the author of An Acrobat of the Heart, a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski (Vintage, 2000), and of The Heart of Teaching: empowering students in the performing arts (Routledge, 2012). After studying with Polish director Jerzy Grotowski, Stephen taught physical acting at New York University for twenty years. He has directed plays in New York, in Boston, Massachusetts, at Princeton and Naropa Universities and in Graz, Austria. Stephen is the author of 15 plays, and was one of the writers of The Laramie Project (Emmy Nomination, 2002).
. 感想回饋/花絮 .
—「Grotowski lesson
還是很感恩以前的老師,那些很喜歡的,影響我很大很大的表演學習,但我要開始從過往經驗和老師的影子下走出來了,be my own teacher.」
還是很感恩以前的老師,那些很喜歡的,影響我很大很大的表演學習,但我要開始從過往經驗和老師的影子下走出來了,be my own teacher.」
心之體操 |