《侮辱。白(俄)羅斯》Insulted. Belarus(sia) 國語讀劇
《侮辱。白(俄)羅斯》("Insulted. Belarus(sia)" by Andrei Kureichik) 國語讀劇
也謹以這次讀劇獻給現正被白羅斯法庭通緝、流亡海外的本劇編劇Andrei Kureichik,為他加油!
顏橦 Zelda Tatiana NG(新加坡)
程守明 SENG Soo Ming(馬來西亞)
楊昇浩 Sheng Hao YANG(台灣)
顏千惠 Chien Hui YEN (台灣)
林嘉寶 Jumbo LAM(香港)
陳熙鏞 Andrew CHAN Xiyong(香港)
張家瑋 Cindy CHEUNG Ka Wai(香港)
Kaoru Ng、Alex Chan - 駐白羅斯的香港記者
#supportbelarustheatre #insultedbelarus
《侮辱。白(俄)羅斯》("Insulted. Belarus(sia)" by Andrei Kureichik) 國語讀劇
也謹以這次讀劇獻給現正被白羅斯法庭通緝、流亡海外的本劇編劇Andrei Kureichik,為他加油!
顏橦 Zelda Tatiana NG(新加坡)
程守明 SENG Soo Ming(馬來西亞)
楊昇浩 Sheng Hao YANG(台灣)
顏千惠 Chien Hui YEN (台灣)
林嘉寶 Jumbo LAM(香港)
陳熙鏞 Andrew CHAN Xiyong(香港)
張家瑋 Cindy CHEUNG Ka Wai(香港)
Kaoru Ng、Alex Chan - 駐白羅斯的香港記者
#supportbelarustheatre #insultedbelarus
日期及時間: |
2020年11月28日(星期日) |
時間: |
晚上8時15分至10時30分 |
地點: |
流白之間Facebook專頁直播 |
. 觀眾回饋 .
- 很喜歡這個CAST. thank you very much. 香港人看得眼紅紅的.
- Thanks for the wonderful reading!
- 很棒的演出,謝謝你們!
- I thank each of you for your commitment to this epic project. John Freedman and Andrei Андрей Курейчик thank you for your extraordinary play. I think it is honest to say that I believe you have created a new kind of art.
- Absolutely wonderful reading! A genuine online theatrical performance! Thank you, William Wong, for all your great work! And thank you to every one of the tremendous actors!
- 來自白羅斯的問候。你們的表演真令人印象深刻,多謝!
Olga Golubko
- Thanks for the wonderful reading!
- 很棒的演出,謝謝你們!
- I thank each of you for your commitment to this epic project. John Freedman and Andrei Андрей Курейчик thank you for your extraordinary play. I think it is honest to say that I believe you have created a new kind of art.
- Absolutely wonderful reading! A genuine online theatrical performance! Thank you, William Wong, for all your great work! And thank you to every one of the tremendous actors!
- 來自白羅斯的問候。你們的表演真令人印象深刻,多謝!
Olga Golubko