"To-To: a fairy tale of Lo-ting" by Tomas K.H. Tse
We are proud to announce that we are selected and invited to participate in the first International Fringe Festival in Ukraine!
Mountain shadows heavily crimped over villages and times. Each broken shoulder had a demoded name, one by one, been erased in a scarlett moon night. What memories remained if one who don’t speak own language? An half-blinded Oldman is about to tell a fairytale of Lu-Ting, a name who is forbidden to told.
Inspired by the local Hong Kong myth of "Lo Ting”, the solo piece will reimagine the “Lo Ting” story with the Butoh concept and respond to the complex situation of recent time.
Time&date 日期及時間 : 1/9 19:00, 3/9 15:00
Venue 演出地點: Bar Moralist (23/22 Mezhihirska street, Kyiv, Ukraine)
「感謝你把這個演出帶來這裡,我被你的表演深深感動,雖然沒有語言,但我能從中體會到一些東西。身為演員,我經常在想如何突破自己,而且很想做一些像你這樣的演出形式,但一直找不到方向,不過看了你的演出,我彷彿明白了什麼似的。你的水準相當高,雖然你個子很小,但你的能量大得驚人。而且你知道嗎?我經常擔演一些shaman的角色,但那些都只是一種扮演,而你卻是真真正正的薩滿!我被你的演出震懾,完全濃罩在你的氛圍當中。」— 基輔的女演員Olivia
「非常感動!十分震撼!從來沒有看過這樣的演出。」— 藝術愛好者Hara
「我看得非常享受!在演出中,好幾個片刻,我感動得幾乎要哭!」— 接觸即興舞者、音樂人Kateryna
「一個真正美妙的演出!讓我想起很久以前跟Philip Glass合作時的感覺。」— 美國演員Robert Mcnamara
Audience feedback:
"Thank you for bringing this show here. I was deeply moved by your performance. Even though there were no words, I could feel something from it. As an actor, I often think about how to break through myself, and I really want to do performances like yours, but I've been unable to find the direction. However, after watching your show, I feel like I understand something. Your skills are outstanding. Despite your small body size, your energy is astonishing. And you know what? I often play roles of shaman, but those are just portrayals, whereas you are a true shaman! I was shaken by your performance and completely immersed in your atmosphere." - Olivia, an actress from Kiev
"Very moving! Absolutely stunning! I have never seen a performance like this before." - Hara, an art enthusiast
"I enjoyed it tremendously! During several moments of the performance, I was so moved that I almost cried!" - Kateryna, an improvisational dancer and musician
"A truly wonderful performance! It reminded me of the feeling I had when I collaborated with Philip Glass a long time ago." - Robert Mcnamara, an American actor
'"Tomas Tse@Theatre Aether and Blank Space Studio with their "To-To, a fairy tale of Lo-ting" was one of the most unusual choices for a fringe festival. Butoh performance with no words in it, very physical, based on oriental tale. Well, Fringe be it, decided we and oh, boy! we were right." - Ukraine Fringe organiser