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流白之間很榮幸邀請到榮獲日本政府文化部認證為「重要無形文化財產持有者」、「觀世流」的能劇大師桑田貴志先生來港主持「風姿花傳 — 能劇大師班」教授能劇的形體身法、舞動步法、唱誦,讓香港的表演者們能從這個已歷來650年集大成傳承至今的藝術中獲得養份及啟發。

「能」、「能樂」、「能劇」是日本的古典表演藝術,本為12至13世紀左右神社寺院的祭典表演,到了14世紀時當時非常喜歡觀賞「能」的足利義滿將軍 (1358年-1408年) 全力支援及贊助演員,將「能」提升至登入殿堂的表演方式。14世紀後期,「觀世流」的能劇大師世阿彌 (1363年-1443年) 以演員、劇作家、藝術評論者的多重身份全力發展能劇,創作數量龐大的能劇,一直流傳至今,現在依然經常公演。世阿彌還撰寫了多本與「能」有關的理論書籍,最重要的一本就是《風姿花傳》,確立了能劇日後的發展形成。


We are honored to invite Noh theatre Grand Master Takashi Kuwata, certified as a 'Holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property' by the Japanese Ministry of Culture, to Hong Kong to host the “Graceful Beauty: Noh Masterclass”. He will teach the body movements, dance steps, and chanting of Noh theatre allows Hong Kong performers to gain nourishment and inspiration from this art that has been passed down for 650 years.

"Noh" is a kind of Japanese classical performing arts. It was originally performed at festivals in shrines and temples around the 12th to 13th centuries. In the 14th century, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, a general who liked to watch Noh very much (1358-1408) Fully support and sponsor actors, thus upgrading Noh to a nobility art. In the late 14th century, Zeami (1363-1443), the Noh master of the "Kanze-ryu" clan, devoted himself to the development of Noh in his multiple capacities as an actor, playwright, and art critic, and created a large number of Noh plays that have been passed down to this day. Still performs frequently. Zeami also wrote a number of theoretical books related to "Noh". The most important one is "Fushikaden" (Flowering Spirit), which established the future development and formation of Noh.

We also invited Mr. Falin Wong, who is also a professional actor, to serve as a interpretator in order to translate every word of the Noh master. It will be delivered to all participating students more accurately and in line with the context of performing arts.

日期及時間 Date & Time:

星期二至五 19:30-22:30
星期六 13:00-18:00 (10堂共34小時)
​January 2-6, January 9-13, 2024
Time: Tuesday to Friday 19:30-22:30
Saturday 13:00-18:00 (10 classes, 34 hours in total)

地點 Venue:

1月2-5,9-13日 大埔藝術中心黑盒劇場
1月6日 饒宗頤文化館博雅堂資源中心(九龍美孚青山道800號)
January 2-5, January 9-13 Black Box Theatre, Tai Po Arts Centre
January 6 Resources Centre, Jao Tsung-I Academy

學費 Fee:



桑田貴志 Takashi Kuwata


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