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《侮辱。白(俄)羅斯》("Insulted. Belarus(sia)" by Andrei Kureichik) 英語讀劇

聲援白羅斯反對派領袖季哈諾夫斯卡婭(Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya)向獨裁總統盧卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)下的最後通牒:在25日前辭職下台並釋放所有被逮捕的政治犯、示威者,否則將在26日發動全國大罷工。

Matchy CHOI 蔡迅彥
Krissy LAM 林燕
Kenneth SZE 施卓然
Ruby KWAN 關珮茵
Adeline CHAN 陳凌軒
WONG Chun Him黃雋謙
CHUNG Siu Hei 鍾肇熙

William WONG 黃家駒

在多個俄語系國家享負盛名、現任白俄權力移交協調委員會(已被政權宣佈為違憲奪權、眾多成員被捕的非法組織)成員的劇場及電影編劇Andrei Kureichik在上個月寫成了全新劇本"Insulted, Belarus(sia)"。劇本起源於8月白俄總統大選後,一連串由和平遊行,到軍警暴力鎮壓,到工廠罷工等事件中Andrei所見所聞的真人真事真說話,當中描劃出白俄羅斯人(尤其是女性)面對警棍、濫捕、暴力對待、以至一些更可怖的事情時依然展露著的毅力。

#supportbelarustheatre #insultedbelarus




Thank you so much!!! You are absolutely incredible!!!
Best, best, best wishes from Belarus!!! Solidarity is so important!!!
-劇本編劇Andrei Kurenchik

Wonderful work, William and cast! One senses in this reading that you know what you are performing! We wish you all possible support in your struggle - and we are very grateful to have your support in the struggle for Belarus! It's very moving. Thank you very much!
-劇本翻譯及Insulted.Belarus.Worldwide.Reading.Project發起人John Freedman

Now we're able to understand all troubles and pains of brave Hong Kong people. Thank you and hi from Minsk.
-Tatiana Tikhomirova

This is outstanding....i really appreciate it. the belarusians and their supporters also support Hong Kong in your fight for freedom as well. keep fighting! Ruby Kwan you were an excellent Mentor! i've watched 6-8 versions and i think you did an outstanding job. keep fighting indeed...freedom for Belarusians and freedom for HK!
-Bob Eckhart

Touching! thanks for the reading. hope to have the Cantonese version soon.
-Carmen Lo

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