Theatre No Theatre《The Inanna Project 》亞洲首「演」
在流白之間的邀請下,Theatre No Theatre將會呈獻「The Inanna Project」的公開排練,節目中觀眾將會觀看到該演出的階段性展演及排練過程。這將是「The Inanna Project」在亞洲的首演,而且費用全免。名額有限,大家萬勿錯過。
「The Inanna Project」是一個在持續發展的創作項目,是一個將把一系列蘇美爾詩歌轉化為以古代女祭司伊南娜(Inanna)形象為基礎的表演。
在蘇美神話中,伊南娜不僅是神靈的代表,也是女性氣質、靈性和堅韌的象徵。她的故事可以追溯到公元前三千年的古代美索不達米亞,那裡可以被視為人類文明的搖籃。伊南娜在諸神中有著極為重要的位置,她是愛、戰爭和生育的女神。 她的形像也反映了人性的多層次複雜性,她的人生旅程充滿幽默而深刻的考驗和磨難,是人類處境的隱喻。
Theatre No Theatre表演團隊把這些古詩翻譯成表演者各自的母語(包括西班牙語、英語、韓語、意大利語和希伯來語),並深入研究受來自不同文化的歌唱和說故事傳統啟發的聲音創作的發展。藉著細緻嚴謹的研究、翻譯和歌曲創作,表演團隊致力創作出一個超越語言和文化差異障礙的表演,以及希望把透過歌曲來傳承講述故事的古老藝術帶進現代生活中。
導演: Thomas Richards
助理導演: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
創作表演者: Hyun Ju Baek, Ettore Brocca, Kei Franklin, Alejandro Linares, Jessica Losilla-Hébrail, Fabio Pagano, Thomas Richards
Can the combination of ancient myths, texts and modern performances transcend the barriers of time and culture, and allow witnesses to reconnect with various universal human experiences from their viewing experience, and tune into the threads of personal life, and then we may wonder:
What secrets are revealed in ancient poetry and song?
At the invitation of Blank Space Studio, Theatre No Theatre will present an open rehearsal of "The Inanna Project". In the program, the audience will watch the work in progress performance in a rehearsal setting. This will be the first public 'performance' of "The Inanna Project" in Asia and is free of charge. Seats are limited, so don’t miss it!
“The Inanna Project” is a long-term creative initiative bringing to life a cycle of Sumerian poems based on the ancient figure of the High Priestess, Inanna. Central in Sumerian mythology, Inanna does not just represent a deity, but is a symbol of femininity, spirituality and fortitude. Her story, etched into the annals of human history, traces back to the third millennium BCE to ancient Mesopotamia, which can be seen as a cradle of civilization. Inanna's significance within the pantheon of gods and goddesses was immense, being the goddess of love, war, and fertility. Her figure also reflects the multi-layered complexity of human nature, and her journeys – filled with humorous and profound trials and tribulations – serve as a metaphor for the human condition.
Theatre No Theatre has embarked on a journey to bring these ancient verses to life. The Project encompasses the translation of these ancient poems into languages spoken by the performers (including Spanish, English, Korean, Italian, and Hebrew), and delves into the development of sonic creations inspired by the traditions of singing and storytelling coming from the diverse cultures from which the performers hail. With dedication to meticulous research, translation, and the composition of song, the team is creating a performance that strives to transcend barriers that can appear in our perception due to linguistic and cultural differences. The performance also aims to bring to life, in our modern era, the age-old art of storytelling through song.
“The Inanna Project” is not only a locus of cultural exchange and international collaboration, but also fosters appreciation for respectful interplay between tradition and innovation. Aiming for high quality in musical composition and execution, the composers/performers bridge gaps which they have found between themselves and their own traditions, connecting threads of personal history, while weaving together a complex performative tapestry that will be a testimony to essential and universal aspects of human experience. The team approaches these ancient texts as if they may hold a secret for us today, asking: what might these poems reveal to us about ourselves, life, and one another?
Directed by: Thomas Richards
Assistant Director: Jessica Losilla-Hébrail
With and by: Hyun Ju Baek, Ettore Brocca, Kei Franklin, Alejandro Linares, Jessica Losilla-Hébrail, Fabio Pagano and Thomas Richards
日期 Date:2024年4月27日(星期六)
時間 Time:18:30 – 22:00
門票 Ticketing:免費 Free
演出地點 Venue:
Unit no.8 of Cattle Depot Artist Village (63 Ma Tau Kok Road, Ma Tau Kok, Kowloon)
觀眾回饋 Audience feedback
'Inspiring performance by Theatre No Theatre. Their songs take you to another dimension. Tonight was beautifully curated by Blank Space Studio.'
'A very alive performance by some very alive people,'
'Powerful, punchy, beautiful.'
'What a great night. Thanks for taking me to the different world.'
'And all of them doing it together makes it much much more powerful. Very Alive.'