在流白之間邀請下,劇場大師Thomas Richards及共Theatre No Theatre團隊在2023年5月和2024年4月於香港舉辦的兩場工作坊,鑑於亞洲表演藝術家對Theatre No Theatre技藝研究的興趣有所增加,我們和Theatre No Theatre,聯同亞洲各地的合作伙伴策劃了「Across Asia」三年計劃。這個計劃亦會為亞洲各地的藝術家提供一個聯繫、合作和培育的平台,鼓勵及促成參與藝術家創造出獨特和創新的戲劇作品,並將從中邀請有潛質的參與者進一步地參與團隊在各地的駐場、研討會、階段性展演及跨文化交流,目標是在三年計劃終結(2026年)之時,能夠從跨文化探索及葛羅托斯基的遺教的引導下,協助藝術家誕生出具國際巡演藝術水準的創作,在新時代中展現出藝術純粹的創造力量。
Theatre No Theatre在數次的工作坊中挑選了幾位表演藝術家,在11月13至17日這一連五天,以內部訓練的形式密集地進行技藝的訓練,又引導他們進行自己的個人創作。
故此我們特設一個公開排練的環節,讓大家可以一窺這幾位藝術家在大師Thomas Richards及共Theatre No Theatre團隊的引導下正在進行些什麼有趣的創作!
At the invitation of Blank Space Studio, theatre maestro Thomas Richards and his Theatre No Theatre team held two workshops in Hong Kong in May 2023 and April 2024. In light of the growing interest among Asian performing artists in the craft of Theatre No Theatre. We, along with Theatre No Theatre and partners across Asia, thus planned a three-year program called "Across Asia: Voices Unveiled".This program will provide a platform for artists throughout Asia to connect, collaborate, and cultivate their talents, encouraging and facilitating participating artists to create unique and innovative theatrical works. From this initiative, promising participants will be invited to further engage in residencies, workshops, staged presentations, and cross-cultural exchanges organized by the team. The goal is to assist artists in producing works of international touring quality by the end of the three-year program (2026), guided by cross-cultural exploration and the teachings of Grotowski, showcasing the pure creative power of art in a new era.
During several workshops, Theatre No Theatre selected a few performing artists to undergo intensive internal training from November 13 to 17 for five consecutive days, guiding them in their personal creative processes.
Therefore, we have organised a public rehearsal session, allowing everyone a glimpse into the interesting creations these artists are developing under the guidance of Thomas Richards and his Theatre No Theatre team!
It's free to witness the open rehearsal, but spaces are limited.
Participating artist:
Hanks Li, Michelle Li, Donald Chung, Gabby So, Mingyan Ho, Yolanda Cheng, Pasu Yeong, William Wong
Date: Nov 23, 2024
Time: 19:30-22:30
Fee: Free of charge
Black Box, Tai Po Arts Centre
12 On Pong Road, Tai Po.